Tekniska Föreningen med Elektriska Klubben

Fluid mechanics and heat transfer research at MDH

20 novem­ber, 17:15 – 19:00

Mälardalens Högsko­la, sal Pi R‑huset

A com­bi­na­tion of short­er lec­tures by a num­ber of MDH researchers focused on the inno­v­a­tive research of flu­id mechan­ics and heat trans­fer. Appli­ca­tions include elec­tri­cal and mechan­i­cal equip­ment design, process indus­try otimiza­tion, as well as the trans­port and pow­er gen­er­a­tion sectors.


17.15–17.30 Prof Kon­stan­ti­nos Kypri­an­i­dis and Prof Rebei bel Fdhila

Intro­duc­tion to Future Ener­gy Cen­ter and the SOFIA research group (Sim­u­la­tion and Opti­miza­tion for Future Indus­tri­al Applications)

17.30–17.45 Dr Ioan­na Aslanidou
Aerother­mal inter­ac­tions in high tem­per­a­ture tur­bu­lent flows

17.45–18.00 Dr Valentin Scheiff
Exper­i­men­tal study of heat trans­fer dur­ing tran­sient boiling

18.00–18.15 Dr Lok­man Hossain
Use of Smoothed Par­ti­cle Hydro­dy­nam­ics in indus­tri­al applications

18.15–18.30 Dr Yuanye Zhou
Par­ti­cle flow sim­u­la­tions in cyclone separators

18.30–18.40 Mr Achref Rabhi
Boil­ing heat trans­fer mod­el­ling for indus­tri­al applications

18.40–18.50 Mr Jerol Soibam
Use of AI in flu­id mechan­ics and heat trans­fer applications

18.50–19.00 Clo­sure of event


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